Say Hello to a New Neighbor a New Friend a Better Community Today!!
Dear Townewest HOA Neighbors,
Welcome 2025!
Townewest HOA is made up of nearly 1500 homeowners in Townewest and we’re so glad that you’re one of them! Your HOA Board is made up of 5 volunteers from our community. As your HOA Board, we seek to represent every homeowner with the goal of maintaining our home values by up-keeping the neighborhood common areas, ensuring homes are well kept, and making sure that Townewest HOA remains a wonderful place to live and own a home.
We hold a meeting on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm in the clubhouse. These meetings are open to all homeowners and we encourage you to attend!
Whether you appreciate the common areas we share, enjoy the swimming pool, Gulfstream Park, the multipurpose couts, or simply having your voice heard on civic issues, your contribution to the Townewest HOA will always be put to effective use. From simple acts of kindness to generous gestures of support, our neighbors play a crucial role in making our community feel like home.
Want to do more? If you’re interested in serving on the Townewest HOA Board of Directors, we hold elections every June. Everyone has something to bring to the table and It’s always great to see new faces running for the Board!
Townewest HOA is a Nonprofit Organization. All Board of Director members are unpaid volunteers, serving 3 year terms and are pleased to be RESIDENTS of Townewest HOA. We all have our neighborhood in our hearts and want the best for it.
If you’re interested in running for a Board of Directors position, please send an email to: [email protected].
We thank you all and we ask for your continued effort in helping keep our neighborhood feel like family.
Kind regards,
Robert Fuentes
President – Townewest HOA
Yard of the Month Winners
The Board of Directors of Townewest HOA is pleased to announce the creation of the Yard of the Month award program to show their appreciation and to recognize those homeowners who demonstrate superior effort in maintaining their property, and who, as a result, positively contribute to the overall appearance of Townewest HOA.
Next Board Meeting
Join us on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 7pm for the monthly HOA Board meeting. All Townewest HOA residents are welcome to attend.